Friday, January 23, 2009

You barely exist !!!

The Earth has been around for 4.6 billion years. Scaling this time down to 46 years we have been around for 4 hours and our Industrial Revolution began just 1 minute ago.

Looking at it with above scale out life on earth is so negliblably negligably small that we don't practically exist from a cosmic perspctive. With respect to universe if we don't exist how can our problems,success failure exist. May be this can be co-related to the "Everything is an illusion form Gita".

All I am trying to say - "If we can reduce the weightage we give to success/failure that hits us everyday, we can stop these from getting to us. This means we have better inner peace."


Vivekananthan said...

You are absolutely correct. Having inner peace is something I cannot imagine while living in this planet. Competition boss competition :)
I don't wish to take a path to have inner peace as of now, But having it is good.

Anonymous said...

I agree. Time is an illusion that is created within us by the illusion of memory. One needs to break out of the traditional way of thinking about time to completely understand a statement like this - "All the 13 billion years of the universe, existed the moment you see it, in one second". A child's mind is devoid of anything. But once you teach history to the child, all the years comes into existence in the child's mind at once. We can go on and on with this, but I think you have covered the basic idea behind this. Illusion it is, all of it.

Kumaran said...


Thanks for the comments.

Kumaran said...


Agree it is so god dammned diffcult.

Might may be worth to think this way when under extreme stress to cool us down.