Friday, January 23, 2009

You barely exist !!!

The Earth has been around for 4.6 billion years. Scaling this time down to 46 years we have been around for 4 hours and our Industrial Revolution began just 1 minute ago.

Looking at it with above scale out life on earth is so negliblably negligably small that we don't practically exist from a cosmic perspctive. With respect to universe if we don't exist how can our problems,success failure exist. May be this can be co-related to the "Everything is an illusion form Gita".

All I am trying to say - "If we can reduce the weightage we give to success/failure that hits us everyday, we can stop these from getting to us. This means we have better inner peace."

Real World Ahimsa
Let me begin with a basic statement. I don't like Gandhi for a lot of reasons. But that is not the focus of this post. But the philosophy of Ahimsa I feel is relevant.It is funny contradicts the phrase "Criticise the idea, not the person" in this case "I like the idea, not the person". This is similar to I don't believe Krishna , God-demons but I do believe that Gita and its philosophies makes life better to live.

Ahmisa is the opposite of Himsa which means "Violence" this needs to be interpreted as not just physical violence but mental violence. I consider violence is an act performed to inflict PAIN be
it physical or mental. So ahimsa is the art of not causing pain to others in any form.

In this blog my quick thoughts at Ahmisa in the house and at work.

Himsa at home

  • As children we talk back / defy parents.
  • As spouses we scold / put down / insult / scorn our partners.
  • As parents we do the same to our kids.

Himsa at Work

  • Admonish subordinates when they make a mistake.
  • Put down support staff.
  • Launch verbal/non-verbal attacks on peer when in competition.

Somethings which come to my mind

  • Never insult or scold loved one.
  • React in a delayed manner. Hold back instant reactions.
  • Consciously make sure you do not hurt anyone with words. Pain caused by words never heal.
  • NEVER EVER INSULT people. You can never win by insulting, maybe you can put them down for sometime. It is difference between capturing and winning over.
  • Even though people around you don't meet your standards in ethics/ hard work/ cleanliness/ sincerity whatever THEY STILL HAVE TO RESPECTED AS HUMANS. Having a bad habit is a criteria to treat another person as a lesser mortal. I guess that is also DISCRIMINATION. Discrimination in any for is bad.

I can hear people saying - "Dude, this is easier said than done , Thanks for the advice." :-)

Let me share some tips that I do to practice to achieve the above. It is all about mental conditioning.
  • Never think low of another person just because the other does meet your expectations. He does deserve respect as a human being. For e.g. this could be your 3 year old kid who did not drink milk for the 100th time.
  • There is no way you can expect to get respected by someone who you just insulted.
  • More often than not the ones who are subdued momentarily look for a chance to rebel. A friend of mine after adjusting to his parents for 30 years refuse to come to India just his parents stay here.

If we make a conscious effort not to inflict pain even unintentionally to people around us , our lives will become better. I guess there is a "Self-fish" motive of wanting to do this , that being I having a peaceful and harmonious life with my surroundings.

Would love to hear from others if I am practical or too theoretical here.

Friday, January 9, 2009

Me compose and sang a song. WOW!! what is world coming too,

This is a song (listen here) I created by a cool software from MSR. Not for the faint hearted music lovers. :-) :-)

My own lyrics ( pretty naive..)
Life is so simple
If your time was ample
But it is never simple
Coz of the tangles
We get in every angle.
Rather than wait for angels
Let's change the angles
To break our shackles
To break our shackles
To blow our blues
Break our shackles
Blow our blues
Life will become simple
Life will become simple
And FUNNY!!!